An Update from our Managing Director

Published September 2021

Almost 3 years ago, I found myself unemployed thanks to a redundancy and 3 months pregnant with our first child. After being involved with more redundancies than I care to admit, I never thought I would find myself in that same situation I had so often guided other leaders through.

Despite the emotional rollercoaster I was on (and the horrendous morning sickness), in true Emma style, I jumped right in the deep end and within days decided to launch Edwards HR, the consulting business I had always thought about starting ‘one day’.

Within weeks, I had 3 clients and several other meetings booked with potentials – they all knew I was pregnant and planning to take some time off, but they had confidence in me anyway.


Just one month away from our third birthday and over 50 clients, hundreds (possibly thousands) of questions answered, 19 ***** reviews, and 4500+ hours of hard work later, I’m incredibly proud to say we’re still kicking goals.

As I write this note, we’ve hit another exciting milestone – we’ve moved away from our 100% remote working model and in to our first office at Acacia Ridge. To say I’m proud of how far we have come is an understatement.

But I haven’t been able to do it alone – a huge thanks goes out to Alicia Hansen, Tim Edwards and Elli D’Arcy for their hard work, flexibility and dedication to our growth.


This is a huge milestone for us, but at the same time, it’s also a humble reminder that what they say about persistence and dedication is true – it really is possible to do anything you set your mind to if you are both persistent and dedicated.


A little bit of self-awareness, empathy, organisation, laughter, wine and a good support network also go a long way to making sh*t happen.

Thanks to all our clients for being part of our journey and for helping us to love what we do every day. We’d love to welcome you all to our new office for a catch up and a coffee sometime soon so reach out to organize a time with us!

You’ll find us at 3/19 Murdoch Circuit, Acacia Ridge, along with the Edwards Asset Services team.

Here’s to kicking more goals!


Emma Edwards


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with our no-obligation recommendations.